Therapy Services

When thinking about the life you want, how close are you to that life? Do you feel invalidated or a loss of control with your life? There can be many obstacles in our path, from depression, anxiety, past trauma, or family conflicts. I can help you identify them and we can work together to find ways through them. I believe that each person and their needs are unique, and whatever your concerns are I prioritize building trust with you and a unique plan based on your needs. Genuineness and helping you find ways toward being more mindful are core components of my therapeutic approach. I know that reaching out for help can be a little scary, but I promise to work with you to help you find places of strength you may not have known you had.

You may have no concerns about the current status of your relationship, but want to “head off” any potential hazards before they emerge through some proactive couples sessions to highlight any potential areas of concern. Or, maybe you have been together with your partner for many years and are struggling to work through some issues that are new or have been buried for some time. Having an experienced and neutral professional to process the current state of your relationship can be valuable whether you are looking for ways to start repairing or strengthening what you have.


As a father of four myself, I know it can be hard to balance all of the responsibilities that we need to address.  Our roles may look different in the 21st century, maybe we are the primary financial contributor to our household, maybe not.  Do we share child rearing responsibilities with a partner or spouse?  Or are we solely responsible for bringing up our children?  How do we juggle feeling like we are contributing enough financially, spending quality time with our children, and still making time for our spouse or partner?  Whatever fatherhood looks like in your life, what is certain is that fathers are just as important now as we have ever been.  Fathers face unique challenges and I am happy to open up my “toolbox” and find out what tools might help you be the father you want to be. 

As a cisgender male I do not personally know what it is to be a member of this community; but as a social worker it is a core value of mine to be an ally to everyone, but especially those in communities that are marginalized, and those that are under threat such as our gay, bi, and especially our transgender neighbors.  I cherish my friends who are members of this community, and want you to know you have a safe space here with me. It may be that you haven’t been able to be your authentic self in the past for safety reasons or other pressures. You may be facing or have faced religious trauma in the past, or social injustice.  I just want you to know that you can feel confident in being your genuine self in our sessions. Here in our space you matter, you are seen, and you are enough.  

For the past seven years, it has been a core part of the work I do to advocate for, educate about, and work towards reducing stigma around maternal mental health concerns.  It isn’t widely discussed, but postpartum depression is the number one complication in pregnancy.  It impacts about 17 percent of Oklahoma women, and 12 percent of Oklahoma men as well.  While postpartum depression has been something talked about in our society for many years, the more umbrella term perinatal mental health that covers a broader spectrum has not.  This covers  diagnoses such as postpartum anxiety, postpartum obsessive compulsive disorder, birth trauma, and others.  I have been trained by the most recognized national leader in the space in perinatal mental health, Postpartum Support International in the assessment and treatment of these concerns.